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From September 2020, it is vital for all children to return to school to minimise, as far as possible, the longer-term impact of the pandemic on children’s education, wellbeing and wider development.

Missing out on more time in the classroom risks pupils falling further behind. Those with higher overall absence tend to achieve less well in both primary and secondary school. School attendance will therefore be mandatory again from the beginning of the autumn term. This means from this point, the usual rules on school attendance will apply, including parents’ duty to secure that their child attends regularly where the child is a registered pupil at school and they are of compulsory school age.

It is the schools responsibility to record attendance and follow up absence. The School will have the responsibility to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct

If a child is unable to attend because they are self-isolating and have had symptoms or a positive test result themselves, or because they are in close contact with someone who has coronavirus (COVID-19),they will have access to remote learning or homework packs as supplied by their class teacher.

If rates of the disease rise in local areas the Headteacher will be advised of actions that should be taken at this time, only should parents keep their child at home. Where children are not able to attend school as parents and carers are following clinical or public health advice, for example, self-isolation or family isolation, the absence will not be penalised, but this will only be authorised after a discussion with The Headteacher. This only applies to children where a parent is at significant risk.

Parents or children who are anxious about returning to school should speak with a member of Ripples SLT who will be happy to discuss any concerns and the measures that have been put in place to minimise any risk to children. 

We will continue to work with our families at Ripple Primary to secure regular school attendance, as it is essential to help pupils catch up on missed education, make progress and promote their wellbeing and wider development. 

Finally, if you need to take your child out of School for any exceptional circumstances, this should be discussed firstly with the Attendance Manager or Attendance Officer over the phone.  






At Ripple Primary School we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every member of our community is valued and respected. We listen to each other and every voice is heard.


Our broad, balanced, creative curriculum and enrichment activities provide opportunities for all to achieve and succeed.


We celebrate our achievements, differences and cultural diversity. Together we take pride in making a positive contribution to our school and the wider community.




To ensure that all children are given the opportunity to attain their full potential. This can only be achieved by high expectations of good attendance and punctuality. In order to be successful every pupil, parent and member of staff need to work together.


To promote a positive and welcoming atmosphere in which pupils, parents and staff feel safe, secure and valued.


To raise awareness of the importance of good attendance and punctuality by effective monitoring.


To develop a framework which defines agreed roles and responsibilities and promotes consistency.


To offer support, advice and guidance to parents and pupils






To attend school regularly


To arrive on time and be appropriately prepared for the day. To begin to develop the habit of regular attendance from the time children arrive in Nursery




To ensure their children attend school regularly and punctually.


To ensure that they contact the school as soon as is reasonably practical whenever their child is unable to attend


To ensure that their children arrive in school well prepared for the school day




To ensure regular, efficient and accurate recording of attendance


To make early contact with parents when a pupil fails to attend school without providing good reason


To ensure immediate and confidential action on any problem notified to us.(Confidential means that the member of staff notified will only disclose that information to any relevant parties).


To recognise and reward good attendance


To provide a quality education




Accurate completion of the registers


Including an attendance summary with school reports


A certificate for 100% attendance for any term and a certificate and medal for 100% attendance for a whole school year


A certificate to recognise improved attendance achieved


A certificate to be presented to the class with the highest attendance and the best punctuality each week in ‘Celebration Assembly’ by the Headteacher. At the end of the school year the class with the highest attendance will receive a trophy.


Establishing a good working relationship with those parents who are concerned that their child may be experiencing difficulty in attending school


The efficient use of computerised registration systems can provide valuable, year group, class and pupil level attendance data which enables speedy analysis and timely responses by the school.




When a pupil does not attend, the school will respond effectively


By contacting the parent/carer on the first day of absence if no reason has been received


By following up with a letter if necessary


By monitoring closely any areas of concern regarding non-attendance and making an early referral to SIT to make a home visit.


Where non-attendance or persistent lateness continues the concern will be discussed with the Year Group Leader or a member of SIT where appropriate action will be taken


If no improvement is made then the Attendance Officer will review and plan further action. This could include fixed penalty fines and court appearances






To oversee and demonstrate ownership of the whole policy


To regularly report progress on attendance to governors, pupils and parents.


To set challenging but achievable targets to reduce levels for absence


School Attendance Officer


To immediately follow up any unexplained absences


To challenge and question any inappropriate reasons of absence


To record all reasons for absence


To liaise with school staff and appropriate agencies with any concerns


To work with the LEA to produce accurate recording of attendance data


To promote good attendance and punctuality with rewards and displays




To have a designated representative to report and inform the Governing Body of Attendance and Punctuality




To support parents and families by initiating strategies to improve attendance and punctuality if children are unsettled, unhappy or having problems going to school


Updated ~ May 2019


Review ~ September 2020

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