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Governing Body

Every school has a Governing Body whose members are drawn from various sections of the community. Parents, teaching and other staff of the school are also represented and elections are held for these posts.


All parents are notified about elections for parent representatives and any parent with a child in the school is eligible to be a representative on the Governing Body.


The Governors meet at least once a term.


Full Governing Body Meeting dates for academic year 2024-2025 are:

  • Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 4pm
  • Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 4pm
  • Tuesday 18th March 2025 at 4pm
  • Tuesday 8th July 2025 at 4pm


Contacting the Governing Body

The Governors are keen to hear the views from parents and carers who have opinions to share.


Parents or carers with a specific issue or complaint should follow the school complaints procedure which asks parents to contact the class teacher in the first instance. If they are still not satisfied with the outcome they should make an appointment to speak to the relevant member of the leadership team and then the Headteacher. It is only if this does not result in a satisfactory conclusion that a complaint should be brought to the Governing Body. Should this need arise then the Chair of Governors can be contacted by letter marked for her attention and handed in to the school office on either site. All such correspondence should be marked “Private and Confidential".


If a parent or carer has a more general observation or would like to suggest an area for attention this is always welcomed. Several of the Governors are also parents at the school and are always happy to chat to people if they are around at school drop off or pick up. Have a look at the Governor profiles to see who to look out for. Alternatively, parents can use the form on the Contact Us page of the website. NB – Please clearly mark any correspondence “For the Attention of the Governing Body”.

Contact Details and Useful Links
