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Acorns ARP

The Acorns is a Primary ARP for children experiencing SEMH needs and is based in Ripple Primary School, Westbury Site.


It is a small preventative, child-centred behaviour provision working to promote the inclusion of young children who have been identified as at risk of exclusion in their mainstream school. It works with schools and parents/carers of pupils who show significant and enduring social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties, both in school and at home, which are interfering with their learning and relationships.


The focus of this support is vulnerable pupils in the lower end of the Primary Phase. The needs of ‘looked after’ children are prioritised and pupils with Educational Health Care Plans (EHC) in this age group who meet our criteria can also be referred for support at The Acorns.


The Acorns has an experienced multi-disciplinary team of Teachers and Higher Level Teaching Assistants.


The team provide individually tailored, intensive, joint school/home packages of support for up to 16 vulnerable young children, their families and schools from across the borough. The children attend Monday to Thursday at The Acorns with Fridays spent in their mainstream schools to maintain links in readiness for their full time return. The support package lasts for approximately one year and the aim is to help each pupil, their family and school overcome the difficulties they are experiencing and for the child to enjoy success and return to their mainstream school if this is appropriate following the placement.

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