Contact Details
- 020 8270 4670
Ripple Primary School, Suffolk Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7QS
Primary School
After School Club is located within the School Canteen at Suffolk Road. Spaces are available for children from both sites - Reception to Year 6.
After School Club is open from the end of school session, until 6pm daily - term time only.
Booking After School Club
If you wish to book a place in After School Club bookings must be made a week in advance.
Pre-booking is advised as we have limited number of spaces.
To make a booking please contact the office between the hours of 8am and 4pm on 0208 270 4670 or email - where an invoice will be sent out to you on ParentMail .
On the day or current week bookings are only for emergencies
If you do need to book an emergency place on the day you will need to have your card details to hand as we will take payment over the phone.
For more information please contact the School Office on 0208 270 4670
Ripple Primary School, Suffolk Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7QS