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Sharing Book

Our pupils will bring home two books a week. The first is a ‘reading practice’ book and the second will be a ‘sharing’ book.   


Sharing book: 


The “sharing book” that your child brings home has been independently chosen by them from our school library for you to enjoy together and it is important to note that you shouldn’t expect your child to read this book alone. Read it to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. In addition, after reading the book you can pick out some words and help them to expand their vocabulary by discussing alternatives for these words. The main thing is though that you have fun! 


Although some of our pupils may be able to read this book independently, reading books with a parent, carer, sibling or grandparent is an important part of their childhood and children benefit from this quality family time both personally and educationally.   


Your child’s response to this book can be recorded in their reading record, too.  



Sharing a book with your child regularly has a major impact on their education, having a positive effect on your child’s reading progression and their love of reading for pleasure, as well as creating special family time opportunities which provide life-long memories.  


Talking to your child about the book before, during and after reading, helps their ability to: 


  • Understand a range of words and sentences  
  • Use a wide variety of new vocabulary in their speaking and writing 
  • Develop listening skills 
  • Develop comprehension skills  
  • Improves prediction skills 


This has proven to be even more impactful when the child has chosen the book themselves, which is why we give all pupils access to thousands of sharing books to take home. 

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