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We are always looking at ways to improve this. To help us to do this please read on……….


We know that you all understand that It is most important that children attend school regularly and are punctual.

It is important for your child’s progress that s/he is always at school unless genuinely sick.

If your child is unable to attend, please notify the school first thing in the morning.  You can either leave a message on the absence line (press option 1), text school mobile (07870 819771) or alternatively you can e-mail the school at  In all instances please state clearly your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Absences for reasons other than illness or special circumstances will not be approved by the school, and will be classified as an unauthorised absence. 


The following will also be classified as unauthorised absences:-


Appointments and absences for which we have not received a telephone message, text or email or a medical appointment for which proof has not been provided and of which the school have not been previously notified. Before any appointments are made for your child which involves them travelling abroad, please come into the office to discuss as these appointments should be made during school holidays.


If your child is going home for lunch or has an appointment which requires them to be out of school during their lunch break, they must be picked up at the start of lunch break from the office.  The office should be made aware when a child is being picked up early, taken home for lunch or leaving for a medical appointment.


As we have staggered lunch breaks, pick up and return times are listed below:-


                                          Pick Up                       Return

Reception                 11:30am                      12:25pm

Year 1                       11:45am                      12:40pm

Year 2 – 6                 12 noon                       12:55pm


In the interest of health and safety, parents must always collect their child when leaving during the school day.  No child will be allowed home with older brothers or sisters under the age of 16. Proof of ID will be requested.


The School Day


Children are welcome onto the site to attend our Breakfast Club at 7.30 am.  The breakfast club is in the school dining room on both sites.  The facility is free and children can have a free bagel and jam or purchase a breakfast for £1.50 it is supervised by members of our school staff. Any child on site before 8:30am must go to the Breakfast Club unless being directly supervised by a known adult or adult carer. From 8:35am children arriving on site should go straight to their class.



Children arriving between 8:45am and 9:00am should go straight to class; they will receive a late mark and also a late letter.  To ensure the security of the site the gates are locked at 9:00am.  Any child arriving later than 9:00am should enter the school via the school office.

For children in Years 5 and 6 at the Westbury, as teachers have a duty of care, learning starts in class at 8:35am, children make their own way to class and we expect all children to make the most of this additional learning time.  Children arriving after 8:45am are late as learning has begun.


Leave during term time

As from 31st August, 2024, the fine for school absences across the country will be £80 if paid within 21days, or £160 if paid within 28days. A fine to parents will be considered if a child misses 5 days of school and absences are unauthorised.

These are the guidelenes set out by the Government.  

All requests for absences during school time will be classed as an unauthorised absence.

In line with Local Authority advice a fine will always be issued, for holidays taken during school time and for absences that are not considered to be an emergency or exceptional. Taking holidays during school time means that important learning opportunities are lost and due to the busy nature of the school curriculum your child will not have the opportunity to catch up in school when they return. If a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued, this needs to be paid promptly.  Failure to do this could result in escalation of the fine and to Court action.

This also applies to leave requested for medical appointments. We would ask that any medical appointments which mean a child misses school for several weeks should be made in school holidays, unless it is a medical emergency.


Parents have the right to appeal to the Governing Body if they feel that the absence is due to exceptional circumstances.


Persistent absences will be monitored and parents requested to attend a meeting in school to explain the reasons. Parents will also be asked to provide medical evidence if an absence is over 3 days.  If absences continue parents could be issued with a fixed penalty notice.



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