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We all want to help London’s children stay healthy and happy as they grow up.  In this context, what happens at school every day is really important. 


Schools can help children lead a healthy lifestyle directly – to make healthy food choices at lunchtime, to be active at and on the way to school.  More widely, schools can help children learn about their health, and develop their motivation and self respect to make healthy choices.

The benefits go beyond health.  We know that when children are healthy and happy at school, they can achieve more.


So many schools in London are already doing great work to support their pupils to be healthier.  Healthy Schools London is a new programme that will help schools to go further, and get more schools involved. 


With our award scheme sponsored by the Mayor of London, we will recognise and celebrate schools that are making a difference for their pupils.  By working together with our colleagues in London’s boroughs, we want to build a programme that schools are proud to be part of, and helps London’s children to be healthy, happy and achieve.


At Ripple we have already achieved all three awards and continue to review, renew and work on developing these consistently. 

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