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          Attendance Procedures.

At Ripple Primary School we expect all children to attend regularly.

Parents should ensure that their children arrive on time and be appropriately prepared for the day.

Children should begin to develop the habit of regular attendance from the time they arrive in Nursery.


The registers are taken first thing in the morning and they are closed at 9am. Any child arriving after this time should enter via the school office and they will receive a late mark.

If a child cannot attend school for any reason, parents must inform the school first thing in the morning by calling and leaving a message on the absence line 0208 270 4670 ,texting the school mobile on 07870819771, emailing the school office at or leaving a message on the school website under absence reporting.

The attendance team will monitor attendance and will make early contact with parents when a pupil fails to attend.

The start and finish times are as follows:-

Suffolk Road

07.30 – Breakfast Club available in the dining hall on both sites

08:35 – Duty of care starts.

08:45 – Start of teaching time.

09:00 – Gates locked.

15:10 – End of the school day.

15:20 – Duty of care ends.

15:30 – Gates locked.



07.30 – Breakfast Club available in the dining hall on both sites

08:35 – Duty of care starts.

08.45 – Start of teaching time.

08.45 – Gates locked.

15:10 – End of the school day.

15:20 – Duty of care ends.

15:30– Gates locked.





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