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Little Wandle Reading Challenge

To motivate our KS1 pupils to read at home, we created the "Little Wandle Reading Challenge" (LWRC). Teacher feedback was that pupils in KS1 were reading less at home than their peers in KS2. The LWRC engages pupils by offering badges for each level completed, incorporating the Little Wandle grapheme images for A-E to give us Astronaut Level, Bear Level, Cat Level, Duck Level and Elephant Level. Each level is achieved once a pupil has read on 15 individual days and their adult has written a comment in their reading record for each day. Their teacher ticks each day off the class chart and, once complete, a badge for that level is awarded in our Friday celebration assemblies. The pupil then progresses to the next level to work towards that badge.


Pupils are encouraged to "Read. Collect. Wear."


Teachers have reported a HUGE increase in KS1 pupils reading at home and they are wearing their badges with pride! Parent feedback is overwhelmingly positive: they LOVE the badges as much as their children do and they constantly tell us how excited their son or daughter is to earn their next badge!


Are you wearing YOUR badges yet?


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